Thursday, September 22, 2011

Creative Food Rings Designed By Sofia

Creative Food Rings Designed By Sofia

The era of handmade jewelry has turned everyone from an unknown cool chic playing around with fimo into an artist overnight. Tones of colorful and unusual earrings, bracelets, rings in the most unimaginable shapes are available for us to complete our outfits in original way. However, would you imagine just for a moment to wear your favorite food on a ring? No, the picture above is not a tasty refreshment, it’s actually a miniature food ring realized by  Canadian artist living in Japan Sofia Molnar. Her jewelries, named SouZouCreations, are individually crafted from plastic and glue with a huge attention to detail and resemble amazingly well the combinations of foods from reality.I think that those food rings are so amazingly cute, it’s impossible not to like them, at least a bit. Would you wear them? At what outfits do you think they would go? I don’t know about you, but they would make me hungry all the time!